Staying Healthy! Down There
The good news this month is that flu season typically peaks between December and February which means after this month our risk for getting sick decreases! Yay!
This month we are talking about common causes of “illness” related to Women’s Health. When you don’t feel good “down there”, it can really affect your mood, your sleep, your relationship, your work… pretty much everything. So read on for the symptoms to look for and how to keep yourself “healthy” all year long.
Another sensitive subject we want to talk about is depression. The prevalence of depression is higher in women than in men (21% vs. 13%) and can occur at any point in the women’s lifetime. Read below for ways to recognize the signs of depression, to see if you are at risk and what you can do about it.
Green Spinach Quiches
In the spirit of Valentines Day, we want to share this yummy recipe for mini heart-shaped quiches that pack a punch with the superfood, Spinach, and would be easy to make for breakfast or lunch!
Annie would add a scoop of salsa for a little kick.
Dr. Leuci would add some crumbled bacon because, well, everything is better with bacon.
Check out our pinterest board for the recipe.
Understanding Depression
According to an article published in Women’s Healthcare, “Women may be at higher risk for depression during puberty, before the onset of each menstrual period, during the postpartum period, and during perimenopause.” If you have been treated for depression in the past, it does not necessarily mean that you are “cured” as it can return in response to life events. On the other hand, someone who is seemingly “happy” can show signs of depression related to hormonal changes.
So, What are the signs to look for? Women may experience some of the following symptoms:
- mood swings
- weight gain or increase in appetite
- inability to fall or stay asleep
- chronic fatigue
- a heavy feeling in the arms and legs
- increased sensitivity to rejection
- headaches
- decreased concentration
- poor memory for recent events
- slowed thinking
- unexplained pain, especially gastrointestinal complaints
Many factors are considered when managing and treating depression in women so the same plan does not apply for every one. If you think you or someone you know might be suffering from depression, make sure to mention it to your healthcare provider.
Staying Healthy…
…Down There
We see patients on a daily basis for complaints of vaginal itching, discharge, or odor. And the cause of these symptoms is not always clear. There is so much information available about how to treat these infections at home or how to tell that you have an infection, but the truth is:
Only a culture done by your provider can confirm what type of infection you have.
Only your provider can prescribe medication to effectively treat that infection instead of just covering up the symptoms and having the infection return or never really go away.
For your convenience, we can run cultures right in our office to determine whether the cause of your symtpoms is yeast, bacteria, or trichomoniasis and get you treated the same day.
Urinary Tract Infections can also cause some discomfort that could be mildly inconvenient or severe enough to lead to hospitalization. We can test your urine sample right here in-office and get your treated before your infection worsens.
Many of our patients think that simply drinking some cranberry juice will alleviate their UTI, but that is a myth. Increasing your water intake will help dilute the urine but most true UTI’s will still require prescription-strength treatment.
Until next month, stay warm and we promise to bring you some signs of SPRING!
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Being a woman comes in with some certain specified issues that are needed to be taken care of. Viginitis is one of those issues that need to be addressed at its very initial stage. Viginitis is basically a vaginal infection that can happen due to some very simple negligence, the reasons behind this infection can be some very normal everyday activities as well as other factors that we are going to discuss in this piece of writing here.
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