Happy April
The purpose of the newsletter this month is to put some color and smiles in your inbox.
With this global pandemic among us it can be hard to look forward and see the good. But it is officially Spring and there are flowers popping up and buds falling from trees.
And don’t forget Passover and Easter are right around the corner. We may be unable to celebrate with our extended families but we can still take these moments to celebrate and enjoy our time with our families by getting creative. Using face-time, zoom and other video chats or depending on the weather do through window visits!
Taking the idea from the news story from Iowa where a grandfather and his son played tic-tac-toe together on a glass door while practicing social distancing.
What We Are Doing Here At the Office
Your health and wellness is our priority. That’s why here at the office we are pushing through every day doing everything we can to make sure our patients and staff are safe and stay healthy.
Every day Dr. Leuci is checking to make sure we are following the recommended guidelines during this time.
We are also taking the extra step of calling all of our patients with up coming appointments to explain these temporary changes.
Until further notice we please ask that you come alone to your appointments. If you were given a ride please have them stay in the car. We will let you record/take pictures of ultrasounds at the discretion of our ultrasound techs.
We are also calling any non essential appointments to reschedule to a date in early Summer that works for you. If you are experiencing any concerns or complaints we are more than happy to help any way we can.
We are kindly asking that if you have a cough, fever, or shortness of breath that you call us prior to your appointment. If you or anyone you have been around has been into New York City or the surrounding areas in the last fourteen days please call us prior to you appointment.
If you have ANY questions please do not hesitate to call. As always we are here for you!

Healthy Dinner Idea!
• 4 chicken breasts
• 2 tablespoons olive oil
• 1 cup balsamic vinegar
• 1/4 cup honey
• 1 1/2 cups grape tomatoes sliced in half
• 4 slices whole milk mozzarella
• 1/4 cup fresh basil leaves cut in ribbons
Starting today we are going to try and post one picture a day that makes us happy to our Instagram. We all need a little distraction from everything going on and we thought not only will this make us smile but hopefully make you smile as well!